Mat-forming perennial herb of Asia Minor; sometimes included in genus Matricaria. 小亚细亚的垫状终年草本植物;有时归入母菊属。
Ubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America; sometimes included in genus Matricaria. 普遍的欧洲年生草本植物,有白花和分开的叶子,有时在北美东部种植;有时归入母菊属。
Low densely tufted perennial herb of Turkey having small white flowers; used as a ground cover in dry places; sometimes included in genus Matricaria. 土耳其多年生低矮密集丛生草本植物,开白色小花;干燥地区用作地被;有时归入母菊属。